Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Expanded Writing: Nightfall...

Expanded Writing: This means that I am taking one of my Daily Writing Assignments and Expanding upon it. I am trying to label all entries so that if you just want to follow one, example book reviews, then you can without having to read through everything. I hope.

As the night was slowly falling, she sat on the hill, under the big oak tree thinking. What would her life have been like if she had never left this place? Would she be the woman she was today? Would she be happier? So many questions but so few answers. Maybe it would be best, to leave all the questions, forget this place and leave again, but then she thought of his eyes. The way those deep brown eyes seemed to see straight through her, and she knew that here she would need to remain, at least until the questions were answered.

She sat on the porch swing as the shadows slowly lengthened watching the fireflies dancing on the lawn. A glass of Aunt Mimi's famous, special recipe sweet tea sat beside her, it had been so long since she had tasted it. She thought again about his question, "Why did you leave?" She had known that it would come, just not expected it this soon. All she could do was shake her head, how to answer that, but luckly Rev. Troubeaux had walked up and she had been saved from responding, but that was only for now. She knew that he would ask again. How would she answer? Would she have the courage to tell him the plain truth? To admit to all that had happened that summer? Or could she just shruge and say the classic, bigger place better jobs, time to move on line that she had practiced on everyone else in town? No, he would look at her with those deep brown eyes, and he would see through that answer in a second, but was she really strong enough to answer with the truth? She knew she would have to talk to him, but when and how it would go remained the biggest questions.

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