A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race by Robert A. Wascher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I got a copy of this book through the Goodreads First-Reads program.
I entered to win a copy because it seemed like so many people in my life had recently been diagnosed with cancer, but at the same time I wasn't sure I was going to like it. I mean, it says lower your cancer risk by 60% on the front cover, and I thought oh this is probably some guy telling me the latest fad to prevent cancer, it's not going to be worth it.b So I put off reading it for a bit, but I can't stand having such a large pile of to-be-read books, and having so many of them that were First-Reads that i needed to read and review, so I picked it up and started reading.
The book was not what I thought it would be. it was not some kook telling me the latest fad to prevent cancer, it was actually someone who did what we all want. He found all the studies, both highly scientific, moderately scientific and even non-scientific, and he took all that information and complied it into useable information. He summarized the research, and told you that this is the gist of what the highly scientific research is showing and this is what the other research is showing, and based on all that, this is what I think would benefit you in your life to reduce your risks.
For each thing that he notes as possibly helping to reduce your risk of cancer, he provide research to back up his claim, and he even tells you that this item has been talked about, but there is no research to show it is effective, and he even tells you if the research has shown something to be non-effective or even harmful.
I was pleasantly surprised, and glad that I read the book. It was not a fad book, but a compilation of the research out there, including footnotes with the exact study information and where to find the study so that you can check it out yourself. It is written so the common man or woman can read and understand it, without a bunch of overused medical terms.
For anyone with a family history of cancer, this is a good book to read. I think it gives good information and it is spot-on and worth the time. it is also a quick read, well organized and helpful.
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Sunday January 1st, 2023
2 years ago
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