My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Love the Goodreads First-Rads program, which is where I got this book. It allows me to read a number of books that I might not have picked up before.
I looked at this book, and I read the back cover, an I just couldn't decide if I thought I would like it, so I kept picking it up and then putting it back down and reading something else, but I have a number of books that I have in that pile and I just decided that it was too big, i had to read from that pile, so I went ahead and picked it up, only to be glad I did. Turns out i really liked the book.
I related to and understood the main character, Mira, who upon finding her husband and the waitress in the restaurant engaged in martial relations, she jumps on and attacks, only to get ordered to anger management classes. I think most women who have been in that situation would have loved to do exactly what she did, and why is she to blame, the waitress knew he was married, I mean really she should have taken some of the blame.
The book follows Mira as she tries to pick up her life, file for divorce, loses her restaurant and moves back with her dad, only to find that maybe that is what she really needed in the first place. I found that I was routing for Mira, I wanted her to leave her ex-husband behind, to find herself and to find a new life outside what she originally thought was important, to find a new purpose for her life and to find the love and joy of life again.
This was so well-written, and the added food content was so much fun! Talk about making you want to cook. Their was recipes and food and it was just mouth-watering. I loved it all so much and I recommend this to anyone who loves to cook!
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