Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds by David A. Adler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
My youngest daughter is 6 years old an in 1st grade, but her reading level is more on the line of a 4th grader, which makes finding books difficult. I need to find things interesting and difficult enough to engage her, but yet she is still a 1st grader and as such not mature enough for some books.
Last night, she and I sat down to read this book. Now, having been a Literacy Assistant (basically a teachers aide that taught reading) in our local school for the past two years, I knew that Cam Jansen would be a pretty good fit. I had taught a number of the Cam Jansen books in my 1st grade high ability reading groups. So I picked out the first book in the series, always best to start in the beginning I always say.
Although she was not as interested as I wished she had been, she is rebeling against reading at the moment, which hurts her father and I to no end, as we both are big readers. But at the same time, I know it is a phase and shall pass, as it has with the other kids. We ended up reading the whole book.
It was a cute story. Loved the main character Cam, or Jennifer Jansen. Thought it was well done to encourage memory in shildren, they talked about playing the memory game to build your memory. Her best friend is Eric, a boy, and it was great to see a boy-girl friendship that was exactly that. Too many times on these supposed preschool and young kids tv shows and books based on the tv shows, they are more about dating, and who wants their 6 year old thinking about dating!
It's great book for the 1st or 2nd grader in your life.
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Sunday January 1st, 2023
2 years ago
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