WOW! Has it really been 8 months since I have been on this blog?! How can that be?
I have to say that life has been hectic! I am getting into a daily routine, but then Maeve auditioned for Narnia: The Musical and got cast, so we had practices in November and december, with opening night December 31st, and it ran through January 9th. It was a wonderful show, but the week before opening night, I did nothing but sew costumes, find props and work on the show, from 10am to 10pm, everyday, and then on show days, I was there early fixing costumes, or props or whatever else, and it felt like I had no life but that theater. Oh the things we do for our children! I loved it, in the respect that I was there with her, this is something she loves and I got to see her in her element.
Things have slowed down a little, but Maeve is still looking for summer theater to audition for, she has Dear Edwina coming up April 30th and May 1st, two shows both days at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater in Bloomington, and then competition dance season starts next month! WOW! That leaves little time for anything else.
Add to that, Maeve and Molly are both in Girl Scouts, Maeve in the troop that I am leading, and Molly in a Dasiy Troop, and there are outings and events coming up with those, along with cookies. The orders are placed, in fact I am picking up 110 cases of cookies this afternoon, but cookie booths are still to be had, so alot of time involved there.
And for me....i just want to write! I feel more alive, more me when I write and when I take that little bit of time for myself. So I am figuring out how to schedule the time, between laundry, dishes, dance, girl scouts, church, homework and everything else, to have a little time to write. I had to face the fact that when I don't write, I get depressed and my moods get unbalanced. It's just a fact of life, I am a writer at heart, and I need to write, even if it is just a imple daily journal, I need to write each day or I am not as good of a wife, mother, or woman as I could be, or am when I am writing.
Sunday January 1st, 2023
2 years ago
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